Human Rights Youth Organization

Scambio di buone pratiche: l’accessibilità delle piattaforme digitali

Si è concluso dopo 14 mesi di lavoro con un meeting a Salamanca, in Spagna, il progetto di scambio di buone pratiche nell’accessibilità delle piattaforme digitali tra giovani con disabilità. L’incontro finale è stato anche l’evento moltiplicatore del progetto. Ad ospitare l’evento, l’Europe Direct di Salamanca, dal 2 al 3 febbraio. Cinque le organizzazioni coinvolte, che […]

“Spread the Game”, alla ricerca di nuovi istrumenti per l’apprendimento inclusivo

Prosegue senza sosta “Spread the Game”, uno dei progetti di HRYO, nato dal bisogno di individuare percorsi di istruzione e formazione che prevedano strumenti educativi più attrattivi ed efficaci per diffondere l’inclusione sociale. Alla base di “Spread the game” c’è la convinzione che la condivisione delle buone pratiche offra la possibilità di esplorare metodi di […]

How to Blend-IN: a game of intercultural communication

As you may have read in previous articles, as part of the project, we are gathering good practices from partner countries in the field of social inclusion. In this spirit, we would also like to highlight the Blend-IN project, from the Slovenian partner, the Celje Youth Center. Blend-IN was an ambitious 18-month project, which was […]

Leading by example: gamification and education in Catalonia

To start talking about gamification, it is important to put a bit of context in the subject. In our case, it is a bit easier to talk about the Catalan context, as Spain is a very big country, and the reality can vary from one region to another. The concept of gamification and its use […]

Let’s meet FCV

Small but ongoing! Fundació Catalunya Voluntària has been working for more than 14 years in youth work, competence development and non-formal education. But the work goes a bit further, starting with a youth-led association created in 1999, called Barcelona Voluntària, which believed in the importance of international mobility and the power of youth in having […]

The hidden element: searching for gamification in Slovenia

Not much research can be found in Slovenia on the subject of gamification, but something is obvious; gamification is present in many fields. In fact, one of the first Slovenian works on gamification is a diploma thesis titled “The Gamification of Advertising in Slovenia” written by Pavlič in 2016. In her work, Pavlič states that […]

Let’s meet MCC! A conversation with Katja & Samanta

Today we welcome Katja Kolenc and Samanta Hadžić Žavski of Celjski Mladinski Center, partnering with HRYO for “Spread the Game”. So, Katja and Samanta, hi! Tell us a bit about yourselves. What led you to work in this field, how long have you been working with MCC and in what kind of position? Samanta: Hi […]

Gamification in Greece: a work in progress

According to Gabe Zichermann, the world’s foremost expert and public speaker on the subject, gamification “is a process of using game thinking and game dynamics to engage audiences and solve problems”. But has Greece joined in the game yet? If you factor in the marketing and advertising industry, the short answer is yes: from point […]

Let’s meet ADDART

AddArt is a nonprofit multi-arts organization from Greece with a core mission to add art to everyday life. Founded in early 2014 in the rich cultural fabric of the city of Thessaloniki, it consists of highly experienced members and artists who have proved themselves both in and outside of their local community. From its outset, […]

Ricerchiamo partecipanti per lo scambio giovanile Using Smart(phone)!

Sei pronto a metterti in gioco e a vivere un’esperienza multiculturale con giovani di altri paesi? Partecipa allo scambio giovanile “Using Smart(phone) sull’uso e abuso di internet e del cellulare! Siamo alla ricerca di 6 giovani residenti a Palermo, di età compresa tra i 18 ai 25 anni per lo scambio giovanile “Using Smart(phone) realizzato […]