

Magdalena Koźmala is the owner of the company named “Inspire Your Life Magdalena Koźmala” which is a website for business women. She is a master & team coach, business trainer, journalist and columnist, public relation & image building expert and Business & Prestige editor-in-chief. For many years she has been helping people to reach their goals. Since 2016 she has been successfully running the website Business & Prestige where business women, who are looking for some professional and lifestyle inspirations, can find interesting articles on different topics such as communication, sales, marketing, negotiations, body language etc. and interviews with top business people. Besides, Magdalena shows women how to “break the glass ceiling” in their careers. She takes part in several important conferences in Poland. Since 2017 Business & Prestige has been organizing an annual charity project called #ProjektPomagam. Every year Magdalena chooses one foundation for which she organizes the huge event and social campaign to raise funds for children in need.
If we think about the community of women in Poland, we can see that the situation at workplaces is developing, but very slowly. By showing many examples of stories and experiences of business women from Poland and from other countries, Magdalena supports those women that want more from their life, those that aspire to be better and better in their jobs, those who want to reach their goals in business and in private life. She teaches through workshops and she uses networking to connect women in order to create a space to work together and share their stories. She believes that she not only runs a successful website which is getting more and more popular but also helps women on many levels.

For instance, Magdalena as a coach writes a series of columns called “Mindcoffee by Koźmala”. She reflects on many questions of the meaning of life and shows by her own life experiences that women should believe in themselves, reach their goals, leave the past behind and be grateful for everything in their life because everything happens for a reason. The team had experience neither in media industry nor in charity. Magdalena and her group learn from each other and learn from other organizations and companies. They have this great opportunity that they can meet, talk and learn from the experts in their fields. As a team, they try to see what talents they have and figure out how to use it in the best way. The most important resources for the company are people – pointed Magdalena. Since the beginning of the year, she has had one word in her head: internationally. To connect and inspire people on the international level. “The most precious for me are: faith and love for what I’m doing, belief in purpose and rightness, passion in action, the uncompromising attitude in organization, ability to find solutions, class and being a person with a big heart and respect for others.”


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