Si conclude Spread the game: c’è semplicità nell’inclusione

Si è concluso a Palermo “Spread the Game”, uno dei progetti di HRYO finanziati da Erasmus+ e Agenzia Nazionale Giovani, nato dal bisogno di individuare percorsi di educazione non formale che prevedano strumenti e metodologie più attrattive ed efficaci per diffondere l’inclusione sociale. Al di là delle formule burocratiche, spesso difficili da comprendere, “Spread the […]
The hidden element: searching for gamification in Slovenia

Not much research can be found in Slovenia on the subject of gamification, but something is obvious; gamification is present in many fields. In fact, one of the first Slovenian works on gamification is a diploma thesis titled “The Gamification of Advertising in Slovenia” written by Pavlič in 2016. In her work, Pavlič states that […]
Let’s meet MCC! A conversation with Katja & Samanta

Today we welcome Katja Kolenc and Samanta Hadžić Žavski of Celjski Mladinski Center, partnering with HRYO for “Spread the Game”. So, Katja and Samanta, hi! Tell us a bit about yourselves. What led you to work in this field, how long have you been working with MCC and in what kind of position? Samanta: Hi […]