Here we are: Emma, Inès, Susana!
Welcome! We are the new H.Y.R.O. volunteers working for the project “Alter 2.0.”, and we will be staying in Palermo for six months. Our backgrounds are pretty different; we have Inès from Orléans, France. She is 23 years old and studied Linguistics in Spanish and English. The next volunteer is Susanna from Lisbon, Portugal; she […]
Volunteering in Palermo with H.R.Y.O
[:it] From July 4 to August 30 I was a volunteer at the Human Rights Youth Organization in Palermo. It was an intense time that brought me many challenges and constantly pulled me out of my comfort zone. HRYO is a relatively large organization that always hosts several volunteers as part of European projects. The […]
Living in Poland as EVS volunteer. Something about my experience in Milicz with the Foundation “Mobilny Polacy”

[:en] Hello, my name is Mariangela Barletta and I’m a volunteer of Evs program in Poland. Actually I’m working in a school named Kom in Milicz, with Mobilny Polacy foundation. I’ve arrived here in January and I will live here for one year. Milicz is a little town near Wroclaw, there aren’t for sure the […]
Ti va di andare in Polonia grazie al programma Erasmus plus?

[:it] Siamo alla ricerca di 2 volontari italiani motivati e appassionati tra i 18 e i 30 anni, che possano prendere parte al progetto “Volunteering is Solidarity”, all’interno del programma Corpi Europei di Solidarietà. L’associazione Tratwa è una delle maggiori organizzazioni non-governative di Breslavia, in Polonia e si occupa di inclusione sociale dei giovani attraverso il metodo […]
Terra Franca garden – A long term project for HRYO

The Terra Franca garden is given to HRYO from the Municipality of Palermo for a time share of 10 years to develop it and to give it back to the community. The garden is confiscated from the Mafia and it was abandoned more than 15 years ago and it is in very bad condition. It […]
uCivic. Using new technologies for civic education.

[:en]Quality of democracy is measured through the level of involvement of citizens in political activities such as voting or presenting initiatives of laws and policies. Although new generations of citizens express themselves more through virtual channels, their political participation via traditional channels is decreasing in most Western countries. Euro-barometer and Latino-barometer have offered enough empirical […]
Julia shares her first impressions of Palermo

[:it] Social and language: Our apartment in Palermo houses volunteers from many different countries around Europe, so the common language is English. The girl from Belarus I am going to cooperate with throughout my stay in Palermo arrived on my second day of the introduction week. I’m looking forward to becoming better acquainted with the […]
Olga shares her first impressions of Palermo

[:it]Hi everybody! I’m Olga from Minsk, Belarus. At the beginning of May I started my EVS in Italy with two NGOs – HRYO and Emmaus Palermo. The project is for a year, but because of my passport expiry date I got visa for 355 days. So lifehack #1 for potential EVSers who will apply for […]