Let’s meet FCV

Small but ongoing! Fundació Catalunya Voluntària has been working for more than 14 years in youth work, competence development and non-formal education. But the work goes a bit further, starting with a youth-led association created in 1999, called Barcelona Voluntària, which believed in the importance of international mobility and the power of youth in having […]
The hidden element: searching for gamification in Slovenia

Not much research can be found in Slovenia on the subject of gamification, but something is obvious; gamification is present in many fields. In fact, one of the first Slovenian works on gamification is a diploma thesis titled “The Gamification of Advertising in Slovenia” written by Pavlič in 2016. In her work, Pavlič states that […]
Let’s meet MCC! A conversation with Katja & Samanta

Today we welcome Katja Kolenc and Samanta Hadžić Žavski of Celjski Mladinski Center, partnering with HRYO for “Spread the Game”. So, Katja and Samanta, hi! Tell us a bit about yourselves. What led you to work in this field, how long have you been working with MCC and in what kind of position? Samanta: Hi […]
Gamification in Greece: a work in progress

According to Gabe Zichermann, the world’s foremost expert and public speaker on the subject, gamification “is a process of using game thinking and game dynamics to engage audiences and solve problems”. But has Greece joined in the game yet? If you factor in the marketing and advertising industry, the short answer is yes: from point […]
Let’s meet ADDART

AddArt is a nonprofit multi-arts organization from Greece with a core mission to add art to everyday life. Founded in early 2014 in the rich cultural fabric of the city of Thessaloniki, it consists of highly experienced members and artists who have proved themselves both in and outside of their local community. From its outset, […]
Spread the Game, l’inizio di un nuovo progetto.
Stanno per cominciare le attività di Spread the Game, un progetto che nasce dal bisogno di individuare percorsi di istruzione e formazione che prevedano strumenti educativi più attrattivi ed efficaci per garantire un approccio educativo orientato verso l’inclusione sociale. La condivisione delle buone pratiche offre la possibilità di esplorare metodi di coinvolgimento e formazione innovativi, […]
Dialogo e nuovi impulsi a Terra Franca. Edizione #MMH2019
L’edizione del Meet Me Halfway 2019 ha assunto una particolare rilevanza poiché è stata ospitata all’interno di Terra Franca, bene confiscato alla mafia ed affidato ad HRYO da qualche mese. Il Meet Me Halfway, promuovendo il dialogo interculturale e dando voce agli attori della società civile che lavorano per l’inclusione sociale, supporta la presa di […]
Yvonne Field with Ubele Initiative: a success story enhanced by the project Pandora

[:en] The Ubele Initiative (‘The Future’) was established in 2014, as a social enterprise which supports the sustainability of the African Diaspora communities through intergenerational leadership initiatives, community enterprise and the development of community spaces or assets. Ubele’s national research, ‘A Place to Call Home’ 2015, identified the need for a new generation of leaders […]
Yuliana Topazly with OutSpace: a success story enhanced by the project Pandora

[:en] My OutSpace was established in February 2012, specialising in supporting parents and women into employment and business via training, mentoring, one to one support and introduction to networking opportunities. It also helps companies to support their own employees better via mentoring schemes, peer to peer support networks and well being services. They launched a […]
Yeşim Belli with ANGIKAD NGO: a success story enhanced by the project Pandora

[:en] Yeşim has been the owner of a pharmacy in Ankara since 2009. She is the mother of two children, whom she takes care of in balance with a busy and satisfying working life. After completing a BA in pharmacy she decided to open up her own business because she felt the need to be autonomous […]