
Right now, the data on the phenomenon of human trafficking is alarming! Moreover, Europe is one of the most common destination for victims of human trafficking. According to Eurostat, between 2010 and 2012 there has been 30,146 victims. Where Italy holds the sad record with 6,572 victims, followed by England (4,474), Romania (3,243) and Spain (1,984).

The largest number of victims of human trafficking are from Nigeria. In fact, 80% of the Nigerian women arrived in Italy are victims of human trafficking. These women, mostly between 17-28 years, with a low level of education and coming from poor families, are recruited with the promise of a better life. Once they arrive in Europe, they placed in the prostitution market which becomes a trap for many of them: becoming victims of violence and social exclusion, and having no chance of coming out of prostitution.

This context is not very flattering. That’s why IRETI project was born: to support these women to tackle their disadvantaged situation. Furthermore, the term IRETI is not random. In Yoruba, the most spoken language in Nigeria, IRETI means HOPE. In this regard, IRETI foster processes of social integration, gender equality and equal opportunities by promoting entrepreneurial spirit and acting as providers of services and opportunities through the creation of an online platform.

“IRETI – Empowering Women and Strengthening Socioeconomic Integration” (2017-1-IT02-KA204-036993) is a project implemented by Human Rights Youth Organisation (HRYO), in collaboration with Biderbost, Boscan & Rochin (BB&R), Asociatia Nationala a Specialistilor in Resurse Umane (AUR), and The Ubele Initiative. Funded with support from the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission.

Visit the project web site to know more (click here)


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