
Erasmus+ – KA1 – Staff Training Mobility

“Youth ambassadors for Human Rights”


The project “Youth ambassadors for Human Rights” aims to create a strong Human Rights Worldwide Network and to promote a positive growth in the specific field.


The project is developed in the framework of Erasmus+ programme and its ambition is to enhance the capacity of the network and to strengthen the cooperation between Programme Countries and Partner Countries from different regions of the world.


Our idea is to include 13 partners’ countries in order to increase the impact of the comparison and to create a strong synergy between different countries and cultures and organise 26 job shadowing mobility for their youth workers. The mobility will be coordinate and arrange through a kick off meeting, during which the participants organisations will establish a first personal contact and share the specific fields of intervention, and a consortium in which the youth mobility will be logistically organised with the aim to facilitate and promote it among youth workers and at the same time to enhance the capacity of the network.


2016-04-07 08.23.12The most relevant part of the project will be the mobility phase, which will give to youth workers the opportunity to growth personally and professionally thanks to the work experience in a different multicultural environment. This phase will be a moment for the single youth worker to learn and improve tools, methods and approaches through a positive comparison with the hosting organisation. The main goal of the project will be reached once the youth worker will return to his/her organisation, when a real comparison will take place in the organisation staff. The foreign experience will enrich the youth worker, who will be a source of growth for the staff of the hosting organisation and for the one of the sending.

The main idea is that each association shares with others its tools to promote human rights. This project aspire at creating a cooperation between associations in order to ameliorate their impact thanks to the use of new tools and methods successfully experimented by the other partners.


The partners will be selected based on their experience in the specific field of Human Rights and the previous positive partnership during different projects. The choice of the organisations will took into account the specialty of each partner in order to create a complete framework including different aspects promotion of Human Rights. The organisations we are looking for have a specific field of expertise in the framework of Human Rights. The specific fields are:


  • ROMA Community rights;
  • Right of Self-determination;
  • Refugees and asylum seeker’s rights;
  • Women’s rights,
  • LGBT rights;
  • Civil Rights and citizenship;
  • Restorative Justice;
  • Environment;
  • Inter-religious dialogue;
  • Press and journalists rights;
  • Development;
  • Development in conflict zones;


During these 1 year long project communication between partners will happen through emails and Skype call to organize and share information about the transnational meetings.


The project’s priority is to improve the Capacity of the network thanks to the use of mobility as a growth and knowledge tool.


 Coordinating and partners organisation responsibilities and duties


H.R.Y.O, as coordinator organisation, will be responsible of for applying for the grant; signing the Grant Agreement once the application is approved; updating the other partners about the process. H.R.Y.O. will chose a project coordinator who will contact the partners and organize the first transnational meeting in Palermo.


Each partner before the approval of the project will chose a coordinator, who will manage the communication with the other partners and participate to all the transnational meetings. The coordinators will be a link between the organization and the partners and between the project itself and local community.


During the whole project, H.R.Y.O will be responsible for coordination of the activities, both local and international; updating the other partners about the process; keeping the contact with partners in all phases of the project; organizing the first transnational meeting in Palermo, taking care of the logistic aspects; controlling the budget; taking care of technical aspects such as the visibility, evaluation, dissemination of results of the project; presenting the final report; prosecuting the follow-up projects.


Partners are responsible for finding and preparing the 2 participants for the job shadowing mobility; hosting 2 job shadowing mobility (2 weeks each) and supporting these participants in their learning experience; preparing local activities in their context; keeping the contact with the coordinator and other partners in all phases of the Project; collaborating in the visibility and the dissemination of results of the project; participating at the transnational project meetings.

For more informations and contacts please write to



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