According to Gabe Zichermann, the world’s foremost expert and public speaker on the subject, gamification “is a process of using game thinking and game dynamics to engage audiences and solve problems”. But has Greece joined in the game yet?
If you factor in the marketing and advertising industry, the short answer is yes: from point rewarding banking systems to pizza delivery apps featuring storytelling for choosing a topping, gamification has been a part of our lives for quite a while now. On corporate management level, the Lego ® Serious Play® methodology is gaining moreground by the day, with VasilisGkogkidis being one of its most prominent advocates and facilitators through recurring training seminars around Greece.
Yet, little to no progress is being made to introduce gamification and game-based learning on the field of education, despite reports stating that they can have a direct impact on students’ motivation by improving their engagement in class, their satisfaction and their performance. Similarly promising results have also been confirmed on the field of disability and special education. Good practices can be found all around: Joshua Hartman is teaching Ancient Greek to USA college students using a uniquely designed board game, while high-schoolers in Greece struggle to memorize a language they regard as obsolete.
Erasmus+ courses actively seek to incorporate game oriented learning into Greek education and frankly, this is a much needed breath of fresh air. AddArt rises to the challenge and as partners of the Erasmus+ KA2 Spread the Game, we aim to exchange concrete knowledge and provide educators in Europe with all the tools needed in order to improve the quality of education and the level of inclusion for people with disabilities through the use of gamification techniques.
Written by Giannis Kanlis
Project Manager at AddArt
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